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Anne Sugnet_quotidian history.jpg

quotidian history, mixed media wall installation

Anne Sugnet

Growing up in a Catholic family surrounded by the beauty of Lake Erie and Niagara Falls in Buffalo, NY,

Anne Sugnet carries with her a devotion to community and to the future, born of an understanding that we are each part of a bigger reality: be it family, the planet, or something even wider.


From encaustic painting to constellations of tiny wire sculptures, Anne’s work returns to materials in their most base sense, questioning beauty, meaning and usefulness. Through this enquiry of objects in her work, she questions the efficacy of art in change-making and activism.


Currently she works with found objects and collected plastics, finding a sorrow and wonder in the permanence of these “disposable” materials and their speculative endlessness. Her work questions how objects can sensually evoke, get under peoples' skin, and allow us to more viscerally find a sense of belonging within something bigger.

reclaiming history, mixed media wall installation

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complicit, detail, mixed media wall installation

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